Is Unregistered Rent Agreement Valid For Passport?
In today's globalized world, obtaining a passport is a crucial step for international travel. As part of the application process, one commonly required document is a rental agreement. However, questions often arise about the validity of unregistered rent agreements for passport applications. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of this issue, exploring the legal aspects and providing guidance for those navigating the passport application journey. The Significance of a Rental Agreement for Passport Application Before we delve into the unregistered vs. registered debate, it's important to understand why a rental agreement is necessary for a passport application. When applying for a passport, individuals are required to submit proof of residence as part of the address verification process. A rental agreement serves as a valid document that establishes the applicant's current address. Registered vs. Unregistered Rent Agreements Registered Rent Agreements: A Legal S...